Results for 'Shu-Ling C. Everett'

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  1.  55
    Mirage multiculuralism: Unmasking the mighty morphin power rangers.Shu-Ling C. Everett - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11 (1):28 – 39.
    The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers may be the most popular children's program since the inception of television. While the program is a commercial success, it also generates much controversy. For example, with an average of 211 acts of violence per hour, is Power Rangers too violent for children to watch? The show's U.S. producers rebut by claiming that Power Rangers is perhaps the most multicultural children's program available in the United States and should be encouraged. How is this so-called multiculturalism (...)
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  2. Understanding the Positive Associations of Sleep, Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Intake as Predictors of Quality of Life and Subjective Health Across Age Groups: A Theory Based, Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study.Shu Ling Tan, Vera Storm, Dominique A. Reinwand, Julian Wienert, Hein de Vries & Sonia Lippke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    In search of the right fusion recipe: the role of legitimacy in building a social enterprise model.Yung-Kai Yang & Shu-Ling Wu - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):327-343.
    Social enterprises, as typical hybrid organisations, are embedded in a plural institutional environment in which some stakeholders regard achieving social goals as fundamental, while others see economic profit as the priority. A great challenge for social enterprises is dealing with the conflicts resulting from the diverse expectations of stakeholders. Based on the existing works on organisational legitimacy and the social business model, we propose a legitimacy-based social enterprise model composed of three main phases, namely, legitimacy proposition, legitimacy strategy planning, and (...)
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    Research ethics courses as a vaccination against a toxic research environment or culture.Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh & Bor Luen Tang - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (1):55-65.
    Hofmann and Holm’s (2019) recent survey on issues of research misconduct with PhD graduates culminated with a notable conclusion by the authors: ‘ Scientific misconduct seems to be an environmental issue as much as a matter of personal integrity’. Here, we re-emphasise the usefulness of an education-based countermeasure against toxic research environments or cultures that promote unethical practices amongst the younger researchers. We posit that an adequately conducted course in research ethics and integrity, with a good dose of case studies (...)
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    Moral obligations in conducting stem cell-based therapy trials for autism spectrum disorder.Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh & Bor Luen Tang - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Unregulated patient treatments and approved clinical trials have been conducted with haematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells for children with autism spectrum disorder. While the former direct-to-consumer practice is usually considered rogue and should be legally constrained, regulated clinical trials could also be ethically questionable. Here, we outline principal objections against these trials as they are currently conducted. Notably, these often lack a clear rationale for how transplanted cells may confer a therapeutic benefit in ASD, and thus, have ill-defined (...)
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    Answering the connectionist challenge: a symbolic model of learning the past tenses of English verbs.C. X. Ling & M. Marinov - 1993 - Cognition 49 (3):235-290.
    Supporters of eliminative connectionism have argued for a pattern association-based explanation of language learning and language processing. They deny that explicit rules and symbolic representations play any role in language processing and cognition in general. Their argument is based to a large extent on two artificial neural network (ANN) models that are claimed to be able to learn the past tenses of English verbs (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986, Parallel distributed processing, Vol. 2, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; MacWhinney & Leinbach, 1991, (...)
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  7.  26
    The Challenge of Definition.C. Everett Koop - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):2-3.
  8.  52
    Perceived publication pressure and research misconduct: should we be too bothered with a causal relationship?Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh & Bor Luen Tang - 2022 - Research Ethics 18 (4):329-338.
    Publication pressure has been touted to promote questionable research practices (QRP) and scientific or research misconduct (RM). However, logically attractively as it is, there is no unequivocal evidence for this notion, and empirical studies have produced conflicting results. Other than difficulties in obtaining unbiased empirical data, a direct causal relationship between perceived publication pressure (PPP) and QRP/RM is inherently difficult to establish, because the former is a complex biopsychosocial construct that is variedly influenced by multiple personal and environmental factors. To (...)
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    Comparison of professional values between nursing students in Taiwan and China.Yu-Hua Lin, Jie Li, Show-Ing Shieh, Chia-Chan Kao, I. Lee & Shu-Ling Hung - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):223-230.
    Background: People in both Taiwan and China originally descended from the Han Chinese, but the societies have been separated for approximately 38 years. Due to different political systems, variations exist in healthcare and nursing education systems in Taiwan and China. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the professional values of nursing students in Taiwan and China. Design: A cross-sectional design was applied in this study. The Nursing Professional Value Scale–Revised was used to measure the professional values of (...)
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  10. Number as a cognitive technology: Evidence from Pirahã language and cognition.Michael C. Frank, Daniel L. Everett, Evelina Fedorenko & Edward Gibson - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):819-824.
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    The non-effects of class on the gender division of labor in the home:: A comparative study of sweden and the united states.Janeen Baxter, Maureen Dolan, Shu-Ling Hwang, Karen Shire & Erik Olin Wright - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (2):252-282.
    This article explores the relationship between class and the gendered domestic division of labor by examining how the contribution by husbands to housework in dual-career families varies across the class system. The article uses data from the United States and Sweden. The findings indicate that location in the class structure is not a powerful or systematic determinant of variations in the division of labor across households.
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    Post-publication Peer Review with an Intention to Uncover Data/result Irregularities and Potential Research Misconduct in Scientific Research: Vigilantism or Volunteerism?Bor Luen Tang & Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-14.
    Irregularities in data/results of scientific research might be spotted pre-publication by co-workers and reviewers, or post-publication by readers typically with vested interest. The latter might consist of fellow researchers in the same subject area who would naturally pay closer attention to a published paper. However, it is increasingly apparent that there are readers who interrogate papers in detail with a primary intention to identify potential problems with the work. Here, we consider post-publication peer review (PPPR) by individuals, or groups of (...)
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    The sixth annual meeting of the american philosophical association.William James, Halbert Hains Britan, George H. Sabine, John Grier Hibben, G. A. Tawney, Charles M. Bakewell, W. H. Sheldon, Ernest Albee, Lewis F. Hite, I. W. Riley, A. T. Ormond, F. C. French & Walter G. Everett - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (3):64-76.
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    Is medical students' moral orientation changeable after preclinical medical education?Chaou-Shune Lin, Kuo-Inn Tsou, Shu-Ling Cho, Ming-Shium Hsieh, Hsi-Chin Wu & Chyi-Her Lin - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):168-173.
    Purpose Moral orientation can affect ethical decision-making. Very few studies have focused on whether medical education can change the moral orientation of the students. The purpose of the present study was to document the types of moral orientation exhibited by medical students, and to study if their moral orientation was changed after preclinical education. Methods From 2007 to 2009, the Mojac scale was used to measure the moral orientation of Taiwan medical students. The students included 271 first-year and 109 third-year (...)
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  15.  51
    A Review of Scientific Ethics Issues Associated with the Recently Approved Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease. [REVIEW]Bor Luen Tang & Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (1):1-18.
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the devastating and most prevailing underlying cause for age-associated dementia, has no effective disease-modifying treatment. The last approved drug for the relief of AD symptoms was in 2003. The recent approval of sodium oligomannate (GV-971, 2019) in China and the human antibody aducanumab in the USA (ADUHELM, 2021) therefore represent significant breakthroughs, albeit ones that are fraught with controversy. Here, we explore potential scientific ethics issues associated with GV-971 and aducanumab’s development and approval. While these issues may (...)
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  16.  25
    Behavioral Model of Middle-Aged and Seniors for Bicycle Tourism.Shu-Wang Lin, Shih-Yun Hsu, Juei-Ling Ho & Mei-Ying Lai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17. Naturalism and its Results.C. C. Everett - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:78.
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  18.  19
    Science and Faith in Kant's First Critique.Everett C. Fulmer - 2012 - Dissertation, Georgia State University
    This MA thesis engages in an interpretative debate over Kant’s general aims in the first Critique. I argue that a defense of the rational legitimacy of religious faith is at the very center of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Moreover, I argue that Kant’s defense of faith is inextricably bound up with his views on the legitimacy of science. On my account, Kant’s Critique not only demonstrates that science is fully consistent with religious faith, but also that science, when properly (...)
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  19. Kant's Influence on Theology.C. C. Everett - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:320.
  20. An Investigation of College Students' Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty, Reasons for Dishonesty, Achievement Goals, and Willingness to Report Dishonest Behavior.Shu Ching Yang, Chiao-Ling Huang & An-Sing Chen - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (6):501-522.
    This study investigated students? perceptions of their own and their peers? academic dishonesty (AD), their reasons for this dishonesty, their achievement goals, and their willingness to report AD (WRAD) within a Chinese cultural context. The results identified students? belief that their peers had a greater likelihood of engaging in AD and had more motivation to do so than did the students themselves. Gender and academic major did not affect students? WRAD. However, students were significantly more willing to report classmates than (...)
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  21.  33
    An empirical bioethical examination of Norwegian and British doctors' views of responsibility and (de)prioritization in healthcare.Jim A. C. Everett, Hannah Maslen, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Berit Bringedal, Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):932-946.
    In a world with limited resources, allocation of resources to certain individuals and conditions inevitably means fewer resources allocated to other individuals and conditions. Should a patient's personal responsibility be relevant to decisions regarding allocation? In this project we combine the normative and the descriptive, conducting an empirical bioethical examination of how both Norwegian and British doctors think about principles of responsibility in allocating scarce healthcare resources. A large proportion of doctors in both countries supported including responsibility for illness in (...)
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  22.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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    The relationship between physical exercise and school adaptation of junior students: A chain mediating model.Meng-Zhu Bai, Shu-Jun Yao, Qi-Shuai Ma, Xun-Ling Wang, Chao Liu & Ke-Lei Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study explores the relationship between physical exercise and school adaptation of junior middle school students and constructs a chain intermediary model through the intermediary role of psychological resilience and sports learning motivation.MethodsUsing the stratified cluster sampling method, 930 junior middle school students in Anhui Province were measured in group psychology by using the physical exercise rating scale, adolescent psychological resilience scale, physical learning motivation scale and school adaptation scale. The statistical software SPSS 23.0 and process plug-in were used for (...)
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  24. The Moral Self and Moral Duties.Jim A. C. Everett, Joshua August Skorburg & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology (7):1-22.
    Recent research has begun treating the perennial philosophical question, “what makes a person the same over time?” as an empirical question. A long tradition in philosophy holds that psychological continuity and connectedness of memories are at the heart of personal identity. More recent experimental work, following Strohminger & Nichols (2014), has suggested that persistence of moral character, more than memories, is perceived as essential for personal identity. While there is a growing body of evidence supporting these findings, a critique by (...)
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  25. Reason in Religion.C. C. Everett - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7:205.
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    Ethics for Young People.C. C. Everett - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1 (2):199-200.
  27. The Fourth Meditation and Cartesian Circles.C. P. Ragland & Everett Fulmer - 2020 - Philosophical Annals: Special Issue on Descartes' Epistemology 68 (2):119-138.
    We offer a novel interpretation of the argumentative role that Meditation IV plays within the whole of the Meditations. This new interpretation clarifies several otherwise head-scratching claims that Descartes makes about Meditation IV, and it fully exonerates the Fourth Meditation from either raising or exacerbating Descartes’ circularity problems.
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  28. Beyond Good and Evil, A Study of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.C. C. Everett - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:325.
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  29. Against the new Cartesian Circle.Everett Fulmer & C. P. Ragland - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):66-74.
    In two recent papers, Michael Della Rocca accuses Descartes of reasoning circularly in the Fourth Meditation. This alleged new circle is distinct from, and more vicious than, the traditional Cartesian Circle arising in the Third Meditation. We explain Della Rocca’s reasons for this accusation, showing that his argument is invalid.
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  30. Is validity circular?Everett C. Fulmer - 2024 - Synthese 204 (4):1-30.
    There is an old worry, which dates back to Mill but has analogs even in Sextus, that the very definition of ‘validity’ implies that all valid arguments are circular. This paper investigates how contemporary formal tools can ellucidate that old worry. Its main finding is the existence of a genuine puzzle: a difficult-to-avoid correspondence between the definitions of ‘valid argument’ and ‘premise circular argument’.
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  31. Me, my (moral) self, and I.Jim A. C. Everett, Joshua August Skorburg & Jordan Livingston - 2022 - In Felipe De Brigard & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Neuroscience and philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. pp. 111-138.
    In this chapter, we outline the interdisciplinary contributions that philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience have provided in the understanding of the self and identity, focusing on one specific line of burgeoning research: the importance of morality to perceptions of self and identity. Of course, this rather limited focus will exclude much of what psychologists and neuroscientists take to be important to the study of self and identity (that plethora of self-hyphenated terms seen in psychology and neuroscience: self-regulation, self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-concept, self-perception, (...)
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  32.  93
    A tragedy of the commons: interpreting the replication crisis in psychology as a social dilemma for early-career researchers.Jim A. C. Everett & Brian D. Earp - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  33.  98
    Lyndon Roger C.. The representation of relational algebras. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 51 , pp. 707–729.C. J. Everett - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):279-280.
  34.  2
    Switching Tracks? Towards a Multi-Dimensional Model of Utilitarian Psychology.Jim A. C. Everett & Guy Kahane - unknown
    Sacrificial moral dilemmas are widely used to investigate when, how, and why people make judgments that are consistent with utilitarianism. But to what extent can responses to sacrificial dilemmas shed light on utilitarian decision making? We consider two key questions: First, how meaningful is the relationship between responses to sacrificial dilemmas and what is distinctive of a utilitarian approach to morality? Second, to what extent do findings about sacrificial dilemmas generalise to other moral contexts where there is tension between utilitarianism (...)
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  35. Beyond sacrificial harm: A two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology.Guy Kahane, Jim A. C. Everett, Brian D. Earp, Lucius Caviola, Nadira S. Faber, Molly J. Crockett & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (2):131-164.
    Recent research has relied on trolley-type sacrificial moral dilemmas to study utilitarian versus nonutili- tarian modes of moral decision-making. This research has generated important insights into people’s attitudes toward instrumental harm—that is, the sacrifice of an individual to save a greater number. But this approach also has serious limitations. Most notably, it ignores the positive, altruistic core of utilitarianism, which is characterized by impartial concern for the well-being of everyone, whether near or far. Here, we develop, refine, and validate a (...)
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    Exploration of Students’ Perception of Academic Misconduct: Do Individual Factors, Moral Philosophy, Behavioral Intention, and Judgment Matter?Chiao Ling Huang, Shu-Ching Yang & Chun-An Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Using Reidenbach and Robin’s Multidimensional Ethics Scale, this study designs three scenarios related to academic dishonesty dilemmas to explore students’ moral philosophies, behavioral intentions, and ethical judgments and further examines whether students with different individual factors have differences in the above variables. A total of 605 students from two areas, Taiwan and Mainland China, participated in this study. The results indicated that Taiwanese students had stricter moral equity, relativism, and contractualism philosophies in the duplicate submission scenario than Mainland China students. (...)
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  37.  28
    Projective Algebra I.C. J. Everett & S. Ulam - 1946 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):85-85.
  38.  23
    Helvétius and d'Holbach: "La moralisation de la politique".Everett C. Ladd - 1962 - Journal of the History of Ideas 23 (2):221.
  39. Moving ego versus moving time: investigating the shared source of future-bias and near-bias.Sam Baron, Brigitte C. Everett, Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller, Hannah Tierney & Jordan Veng Thang Oh - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-33.
    It has been hypothesized that our believing that, or its seeming to us as though, the world is in some way dynamical partially explains (and perhaps rationalizes) future-bias. Recent work has, in turn, found a correlation between future-bias and near-bias, suggesting that there is a common explanation for both. Call the claim that what partially explains our being both future- and near-biased is our believing/it seeming to us as though the world is dynamical, the dynamical explanation. We empirically test two (...)
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    “Wait – You're a conservative?” Political diversity and the dilemma of disclosure.Jim A. C. Everett - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    The Theology of Aristotle and Some Other Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts ReconsideredPseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts.Everett K. Rowson, Jill Kraye, W. F. Ryan & C. B. Schmitt - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):478.
  42.  24
    The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant, and its Progress in Great Britain since 1825. [REVIEW]C. C. Everett - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1 (1):88-91.
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    Cultural orientation and corruption.Shu Li, Harry C. Triandis & Yao Yu - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (3):199 – 215.
    Previous studies have shown that individuals in collectivist cultures may be more corrupt than those in individualist cultures when they are interacting with outgroup members. The countries that are least corrupt, according to the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, tend to have horizontal individualist cultures, with Singapore being a prominent counterexample. Can findings at the cultural level of analysis be replicated at the individual level of analysis? To answer this question the authors examined the relationship between deception and cultural orientation (...)
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    Understanding Concepts of Place in Recreation Research and Management.Linda Everett Kruger, Troy Elizabeth Hall & Maria C. Stiefel (eds.) - 2008 - U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
    Over a 3-day weekend in the spring of 2004 a group of scientists interested in extending understanding of place as applied in recreation research and management convened a working session in Portland, Oregon. The purpose of the gathering was to clarify their understanding of place-related concepts, approaches to the study of people-place relations, and the application of that understanding in recreation management for the purpose of integrating perspectives from different disciplines, discussing approaches to understanding and measuring sense of place, and (...)
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    The Making of Religion. [REVIEW]C. C. Everett - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (2):171-177.
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    Economic games and social neuroscience methods can help elucidate the psychology of parochial altruism.Jim A. C. Everett, Nadira S. Faber, Molly J. Crockett & Carsten K. W. De Dreu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Prospective Intention-Based Lifestyle Contracts: mHealth Technology and Responsibility in Healthcare.Emily Feng-Gu, Jim Everett, Rebecca C. H. Brown, Hannah Maslen, Justin Oakley & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (3):189-212.
    As the rising costs of lifestyle-related diseases place increasing strain on public healthcare systems, the individual’s role in disease may be proposed as a healthcare rationing criterion. Literature thus far has largely focused on retrospective responsibility in healthcare. The concept of prospective responsibility, in the form of a lifestyle contract, warrants further investigation. The responsibilisation in healthcare debate also needs to take into account innovative developments in mobile health technology, such as wearable biometric devices and mobile apps, which may change (...)
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    Validation of the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire in 5 and 6 Year-Old Children: The GUSTO Cohort Study.Phaik Ling Quah, Lisa R. Fries, Mei Jun Chan, Anna Fogel, Keri McCrickerd, Ai Ting Goh, Izzuddin M. Aris, Yung Seng Lee, Wei Wei Pang, Iccha Basnyat, Hwee Lin Wee, Fabian Yap, Keith M. Godfrey, Yap-Seng Chong, Lynette P. C. Shek, Kok Hian Tan, Ciaran G. Forde & Mary F. F. Chong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Factors Associated With Having a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant as Primary Care Provider for Veterans With Diabetes Mellitus.Morgan Perri, M. Everett Christine, A. Smith Valerie, Woolson Sandra, Edelman David, C. Hendrix Cristina, S. Z. Berkowitz Theodore, White Brandolyn & L. Jackson George - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771276.
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    Aging and Neuroeconomics: Insights from Research on Neuromodulation of Reward-based Decision Making.Shu-Chen Li, Guido Biele, Peter N. C. Mohr & Hauke R. Heekeren - 2007 - Analyse & Kritik 29 (1):97-111.
    ‘Neuroeconomics’ can be broadly defined as the research of how the brain interacts with the environment to make decisions that are functional given individual and contextual constraints. Deciphering such brain-environment transactions requires mechanistic understandings of the neurobiological processes that implement value-dependent decision making. To this end, a common empirical approach is to investigate neural mechanisms of reward-based decision making. Flexible updating of choices and associated expected outcomes in ways that are adaptive for a given task (or a given set of (...)
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